Sunday, February 14, 2010

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World

Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  People often look outside of themselves for reasons why they are not achieving their desired results or living life by design. But in order to find the true source, one need only look inside. The law of attraction, one of the fundamental aspects to living a life by design, explains that everything that is created in the outside world is the result of what takes place internally. Being the change you wish to see in the world starts with taking full responsibility for everything that is happening in your life.

The first Law of Supreme Influence states, “I create my reality.” Creating your life by design requires full ownership and total personal accountability for where you are right now. By accepting that you are fully “at cause” for your life, you access the wisdom to recognize how your moment-to-moment thoughts, words, and actions create the results you experience.

It may be a challenging concept to wrap the mind around, but like it or not, we are all the authors and architects of the results we experience in our own life. Every thought we have, word we speak (whether to ourselves or out loud), and action we take is like planting a seed; a seed that will germinate and grow when the appropriate conditions are present. Like farmers carefully planting the next harvest, we reap the effects of having sown the seeds of past thoughts and behaviors. There are no idle thoughts! Everything we see, and everything we experience has its origin and cause in the realm of thought. Understanding this phenomenon is the beginning of true wisdom.
In life, you either get results or you give reasons, there is no in between. When you get a result and own it, whether you perceive it to be desirable or not, you become empowered through the wisdom that is found in recognizing how your thoughts, words, and actions create the results you receive. Owning your results is living “at cause”, giving reasons only initiates the opportunity to create similar results in the future.

Most people do not live “at cause.” Take a moment and think about how often you recognize someone giving reasons in the absence of results. Do you know someone who, no matter what is happening in their life, will tell you that it is not their fault? People who lack knowledge of their ability to create their own reality give reasons that blame their environment for the results they receive. Any time you give a reason, even when it seems to be real and true, you are saying that what is happening outside of you is more powerful than your ability to transform it. And that is not true!

Human behavior is very predictable. Most people will do one of four things when they perceive that someone is making them wrong: blame, minimize, deny, or justify. But aren’t all of these actions simply different ways of producing reasons? Taking ownership for not only your thoughts, words, and actions, but for everything that is happening in the periphery of your universe produces a higher level of consciousness.  Being at cause for what occurs in your life delivers power to you, supporting you on your journey to be the change you wish to see in the world.

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